English abstract
It was found that the basic causes of ill health such as illiteracy, population inflation, food shortages, lack of availability, poor environmental sanitation and high levels of poverty lie outside the scope of the work of the health sector and are mainly related to social and economic factors. It is clear from knowing this fact that addressing health challenges must receive attention within an interactive framework between the economic, social, environmental and health situation. It has been concluded that improving the health level of a community requires a comprehensive and integrated development vision that aims primarily to improve the quality of life. In order to deal with these changing conditions, the World Health Organization has developed an innovative approach to community health and development initiatives that focus on economic growth and improving living standards, health status and quality of life. This method calls for adopting the concept of the responsibility of all sectors for health and the need to place health at the top of the priorities of all policies in the various sectors from outside the Ministry of Health. In order to adopt a new perspective to address the health conditions of individuals and groups, the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean region promoted the idea of improving the quality of life as an effective strategy to facilitate the sustainable development process and achieve health-related goals. To support this strategy, the Regional Office called for the adoption of so-called participatory initiatives. community) or community initiatives) as an integrated social and economic approach that relies on the participation of society with all its members and various sectors in order to improve the environmental, social and economic level, given that these levels are determinants of health.