English abstract
To what extent has the world become a hybrid around us? Has the world become a small village or a group of separate islands? Are there any authentic cultures left that did not overlap with others? Are we still witnessing an era in which pure human races stand firm? Can technology be separated from man? Can we delve deeper into the circle of questions and ask: Will we all become in our near future "cyborg" beings, the issue of the hybrid human being transcending this culturally, ethnically and geographically mixed being and walking on a technological sea – to become at the end of this mixture a human-technological mixture? The writer Amani Abu Rahma (2014) indicates in her article on the concept of (the cyborgs) that it is a hybrid cognitive being of the machine and the living being, and a creature of social reality and imagination as well. This human being that we know today is no longer only human, but has mixed with technology to the extent that it has become Technology is part of the human trait. Thus, (the cyborg) represents that intertwined and complex relationship between man and machine and reflects the role of technology in social change. Researcher Donna Harley in 1985 is credited with employing the term cyborg) in order to develop a theory in which she focused mainly on employing this term in order to build a feminist movement Her goal is to move outside the traditional gender binaries and restrictions.