English abstract
The book titled "Explanation of Fundamentals of Religion" by
Imam Abi Taher Ismael bin Moussa Al Gitali on explaining the
poem of Abi Nasr Al Maloshaey was written in explanation of
the poem of Abi Nasr which addresses theology in (180 lines).
He explained it in three parts. He addressed in detail the linguistic
rhetoric of the lines and cited the numerous quotes of scientists
as well as substantiation by the mental arguments after Quran
and Sunna.
The study is in two parts: Study and investigation. The study is
divided into two sections, the first address the characteristics of
Allah, Almighty. It defined characteristics in language and
terminology, and mentioned the divisions of characteristics and
personal characteristics and difference on them as well as the
similar characteristics and opinions of scientists on them.
Chapter two addressed the matter of custody and innocence.
Custody was defined and its sections were mentioned, then
innocence and its sections. The study also dealt with full stop and
its types, including the opinion of Imam Al Gitaly on the two
topics. Section two was an investigation of the body of the book
from the section of (significance of names) up to the (the
question of: If two trustees gave witness on a group).
The key results of the study stated that copies of the book of
fundamentals of theology are fourteen, including the complete,
the deficient and some of them are copies of the imams of
Concerning his approach in explanation of the book of theology,
it combined the long explanation and quotation. It redundantly
explained the poem lines in language and cited versions of the
Holy Koran and Prophet Hadiths as well as consent and poetry
Quotation from the key books of the people of knowledge
scientifically ordered their chapters and sections, and sometimes
discusses the matters and reviews the argument of the opponent
and reply to them by mental argument to reach persuasion.
There is conformity in the methodology between the book of
explanation of theology and the book of the Rules of Islam by
Al Gitali on the matter of custody and innocence in terms of
sections and content. However, it deliberately explained the book
of explanation of theology