English abstract
This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a training program based
on the technological pedagogical content Knowledge framework (TPACK)in teaching
performance and self-efficacy in integrating technology among mathematics teachers,
and the mathematical proficiency of their students. The study sample consisted of two
categories: the female teachers' category, which included (41) female teachers who
were divided into two groups: an experimental group consisting of (21) female
teachers and a control group consisting of (20) female teachers. The sample of female
students included (1183) female students from the eighth grade taught by female
teachers. The study sample was divided into two groups: an experimental group
consisting of (610) female students and a control group consisting of (573) female
To achieve the objectives of the study, the educational material included in the
training program based on the knowledge of the TPACK framework and built
according to the training needs of the experimental group teachers was prepared. Four
tools for the study were also prepared: the teaching performance observation card, the
self-efficacy scale in integrating technology for teachers, the cognitive mathematical
proficiency test, and the measure of productive disposition towards mathematics for
female students. The indications of validity and reliability of these tools were extracted
by appropriate methods, and they were found to be acceptable for the study.
In order to answer the questions of the study and test the hypotheses associated
with it, multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA), the independent sample t-test, and
the analysis of covariance test (ANCOVA) were used. The results showed that there
were statistically significant differences in favor of the teachers of the experimental
group in all teaching performance skills (planning, implementation, evaluation) and
teaching performance as a whole, and self-efficacy towards technology integration.
The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in favor of the
female teachers of the experimental group in mathematical proficiency.
In light of these results; The study recommended several recommendations, the
most important of which are: Adopting the TPACK framework as a framework for the
sustainable professional development of mathematics teachers, and achieving this by
being guided by the training program. The study also recommended providing wide
opportunities for cooperation between mathematics teachers to plan mathematics
lessons according to educational technological knowledge of mathematical content. In
addition, holding training courses for mathematics teachers in different educational
stages to enable them to acquire teaching skills based on mathematical proficiency.
The study also suggested conducting further studies to investigate the effectiveness of
training programs based on the TPACK framework on other variables related to the
teacher and the student.