English abstract
Classroom interaction is crucial for fostering active learning and the
development of critical thinking skills. Nearpod, an interactive educational tool,
holds promise in enhancing classroom engagement. This study examines the
impact of Nearpod on 8th-grade English classroom interaction and students’
perceptions of student-taecher, student-student, and student-content interaction. A
quasi-expermental design was employed, involving 64 grade eight students during
the 2022/2023 academic year. Data collection utilized Flunder’s Classroom
Interaction Analysis (FCIA) and an online questionnaire. The experimental group
received four weeks of instruction using Nearpod, while the control group
followed traditional teaching methods. Nearpod significantly promoted non-verbal
interaction as students actively engaged with the platform’s learning activities.
Students reported highly positive perceptions of their classroom interaction when
Nearpod was integrated into their lessons. This research contributes to the
understanding of the role of Nearpod in enhancing classroom interactions, thereby
imprioving student engagement and learning outcomes. Based on these findings,
it is recommended that MOE provides tablet devices in basic education schools or
permitting students to bring their own devices under school administration or
teacher supervision. Additionally, implementing professional development
programs to equip teachers with skills in using educational applications that
encourge classroom interaction, ultimately enhancing student engagement in
learning is highly needed.