English abstract
This study aimed to identify business owners' attitudes in the Sultanate of Oman
regarding how media deals with economic issues in radio and television programs. The
study is based on interpreting its results on the Media Dependency theory.
Methodically, the study used survey method and applied questionnaire as a tool for data
collection. The researcher disterbuted the questionnaire in March and April 2023 for a
sample of (380) business owners registered with the Oman Chamber of Commerce and
The study concluded with several results, most notably, the business owners who follow
economic programs on radio or television channels was about (41.2%). The results
indicated that the Internet (social media and websites) forms the first source on which
business owners rely in following up economic programs (80%), followed by radio
(55.6%) and television (45.2%). The results found that "Government legislations,
bylaws and resolutions" ranked first as the most important reason for business owners
to follow economic programs and bulletins on radio and television. The results also
showed that "Learning about government decisions related to local investment
opportunities" is the main reason behind following radio and television economic news
and bulletins. The results found that (37.8%) of business owners trust the business
information provided by Omani radio and television programs to a large extent. 41.5%
of business owners trusted the analysis and interpretation of economic information and
data provided by economic programs. The results of the study also showed that the most
prominent cognitive effects resulting from the dependence of business owners in the
Sultanate of Oman on broadcast media economic programs are that these programs give
them access to the development of legislation, regulations, and government decisions
in the economic field and their reflection on the business environment. Among the
essential emotional influences of business owners is their sense of responsibility
towards society, and the most critical behavioural effect on business owners is the
contribution of economic programs to their interaction with society.