English abstract
Leadership is the ability to treat human nature or influence human behavior to direct a group towards achieving common goals, in a way that ensures their obedience and respect. The leader is defined as a person who uses his abilities and strength to influence the behavior and directives of individuals around him to achieve their common goals. The study aimed to identify the crises that the industrial sector may be exposed to in the Governorate of Dhofar. Also see the methods of facing crises used by the industrial sector. He discussed the role of material and human resources in the industrial sector in facing the crises facing the sector. As well as reviewing the quality of the leadership’s work in the industrial sector and its role in facing the crises facing the sector. And diagnose those innovative solutions that leaders in the sector take to solve its crisis. One of the most important findings of the study was the existence of a correlation and impact relationship between leadership characteristics (planning to respond to crises - providing an information base - providing a communication system - providing leadership skills) and facing crises. Appropriate handling of the crisis requires good planning for each of its stages, and making use of the communication channels available in the organization. The study recommended recommendations, the most important of which is to take advantage of previous crises, such as the recent spread of the Covid-19 virus, to draw lessons from them in preparing practical and scientific plans in the organization to plan for crisis management. Confronting crises in a scientific, studied and planned manner, and providing the largest possible amount of information for use in facing crises, without the interference of personal opinions and individual judgments. Attention to developing and creating an effective communication system between leaders on the one hand, and between leaders and employees of the organization on the other hand.