English abstract
This Documentation and Heritage Management Plan (HMP) is concerned with two settlements in the Sinaw Oasis – H?rat ?l Bar?shid and H?rat as-Saw?fah – and builds upon the extensive documentation carried out on site, as well as on knowledge on the sites acquired prior to fieldwork and during project development. Alongside providing comprehensive drawn documentation resulting from the survey carried out in Autumn 2013, this report includes a preliminary strategic Master Plan which addresses issues of heritage management, conservation and development, as well as approaches for its implementation. Due to the close proximity and the long connected history of both H?rat ?l Bar?shid and H?rat as-Saw?fah it was decided to address both settlements in conjunction. The Master Plan proposed in this report, while divided into two sections to address the settlements separately, assumes both ??rahs to function in tandem with one another in the future. This solution was deemed the most likely to succeed in view of economic constraints and is expected to provide the necessary developmental contingencies.