English abstract
Purpose: the success of the office is measured by the extent to which the decision-making affects social expectations.
Design and Methodology: The dynamic relationship between social decisions and expectations reflects a long relationship with each other dependent on the social interaction. The reliability of successful decisions is important and their success certainly stems from the successes of management, as well as many other relevant factors, from clients' confidence and testimony that it has actually fulfilled their various needs. The operational planning standard plays a major role in this regard, as it lays out a clear plan for management as well as the type of roadmap it provides to clients to see how a particular office will operate throughout the year. This current research study aims to examine the impact of decision-making on social expectations in the office of the Minister of State and Governor of Muscat. In other words, it will seek to show the close relationship between the impact of the decisions of the Office of the Minister of State and the Governor of Muscat and the expectations of society regarding those decisions. The subject matter derives its originality from the value it adds to the imperative to understand decisions in any section. It also stems from giving the reader free access to know how the Muscat Governor's office operates transparently and effectively as well regarding the needs of the Omani people.
Results: this study confirms that if the management of Muscat Governor’s office to properly satisfy its clients, they need to take into considerations the historical context, justice, consultation,