English abstract
Purpose: To outline hospital pharmacy practices across the Gulf Cooperation Councils (GCC) countries’ hospitals. Methods: A modified survey questionnaire was prepared from the original 2019 American Society of Health-System Pharmacist (ASHP) survey questions. Survey details were discussed with some pharmacy directors for clarity and relevance. A list of hospitals were obtained from the Ministry of Health of each of the targeted GCC countries. A secure invitation link containing a survey questionnaire was sent to the participants directly. Results: Sixty four hospitals responded to this survey. The overall response rate was 52%. About 47% of the surveyed hospitals considered their drug formularies as closed, and strict. Additionally, only 44% of hospitals compare the effectiveness of products, when taking formulary decisions for drug inclusion. Forty-four percent of hospitals have computerized prescriber order entry (CPOE / EHR) system functionality for formulary system management. At about 39.1% hospitals, pharmacists have the responsibility for managing medication therapies, majority were engaged in providing anticoagulation therapies. About 61% of hospital pharmacies in GCC countries receive medication orders electronically, through CPOE/EHR. Majority (66%) of the hospitals in GCC countries have an active Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (ASP) while only 40% of pharmacists have a key role in providing clinical support. About 57.8% of hospital pharmacy directors reported that pharmacists do not provide ambulatory care clinical pharmacy services in their hospitals. Conclusion: In GCC countries’ hospitals, there are major areas for improvement to patient care of which pharmacists are uniquely qualified as the medication experts to have the most meaningful outcomes in all of the domains of safe medication use, medication therapy management, antimicrobial stewardship program and participation in outpatient clinics.