English abstract
This study aimed to identify the impact of training on improving the productivity of workers at the Public Corporation for Industrial Estates, Madayn, Sultanate of Oman. The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach using the statistical analysis program (SPSS) in order to analyze the questionnaire data. The study sample consisted of (112) individuals working in the Public Corporation for Industrial Estates, Mada’in, Sultanate of Oman. The study relied on a sample of facilitators in obtaining the study sample. The study proved that there is a statistically significant relationship between developing the productive knowledge of workers in the industrial sector and improving the productivity of the industrial sector, Madayn in the Sultanate of Oman.
The study recommended the following: Attention should be paid to rewards and rewarding incentives that help improve the performance of workers in increasing the productivity of Madayn Industrial Corporation. Increasing training opportunities to make every possible effort to meet the needs of employees and gain their satisfaction, to ensure that they continue to work without thinking of leaving work and moving to other institutions.
Keywords: training, productivity, Madayn industrial zone