English abstract
Natural and137 Cs radioactivity in coastal marine sediment samples was measured using gamma spectrometry. Samples were collected at 16 locations from four beaches along the coastal area of Muscat City, Gulf of Oman. Radioactivity in beach sand was used to estimate the radiological risk parameters to humans, whereas the radioactivity in marine sediments was used to assess the radiological risk parameters to non-human biota, using the ERICA Tool. The average radioactivity concentrations (Bqkg−1) of226 Ra,232 Th,40 K,210 Pb and137 Cs in sediments (sand) were as follows: 16.2 (16.3), 34.5(27.8), 54.7 (45.6), 46.8 (44.9) and 0.08 (0.10), respectively. In sand samples, the estimated average indoor (Din) and outdoor (Dout) air absorbed dose rates due to natural radioactivity were 49.26 and 27.4 and the total effective dose (AEDTotal; µSvy−1) ranged from 150.2 to 498.9 (average: 275.2). The measured radioactivity resulted in an excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) in the range of 58–203 (average: 111) in and an average gonadal dose (AGD; µGy.y−1) ranged from 97.3 to 329.5 (average: 181.1). Total dose rate per marine organism ranged from 0.035 µGy h−1 (in zooplankton) to 0.564 µGy h−1 (in phytoplankton). The results showed marine sediments as an important source of radiation exposure to biota in the aquatic environment. Regular monitoring of radioactivity levels is vital for radiation risk confinement. The results provide an important radiological risk profile parameter to which future radioactivity levels in marine environments can be compared.