English abstract
Based on the convergence of social-identity and theory of reasoned action (TORA), the purpose of this research is to investigate the mediating effect of brand engagement and store image on the relationship between consumer brand identification and purchase intention. The study empirically investigates a theoretical framework developed from literature evidence using partial-least squares (PLS) structural equation modeling (SEM) to test hypotheses. A structured questionnaire, measuring items on a Likert seven scale, was used to collect data from 344 participants among shoppers of famous retail chains in Muscat. The results indicated that store-brand identification (SBI) alone is a weak predictor of purchase intention (PI). The results revealed that brand engagement (BE) and store image (SI) fully mediate the relationship between SBI and PI. Intrinsically, the study serves to enhance the insight into customers’ attitudes towards private-labeled store brands with a focus on the Omani retail market. The findings contribute a valuable insight on retail marketing strategies, and an interpretation into branding literature related to retail marketing and provide an understanding of marketing strategies and guidance for retail store management in Oman both at a strategic and tactical level.