English abstract
The study aimed to present a proposed
conception to enhance innovation at the
Sultan Qaboos Academy for Police Sciences in
light of the Oman Vision 2040 indicators. This
was achieved by identifying the current state
of innovation at the academy, determining
its key requirements, and exploring the areas
through which the academy can achieve
innovation. The basic qualitative methodology
was used, with (12) interviews conducted
with a sample of department managers and
their assistants at the academy, as well as
permanent faculty members at the Police
College.The results regarding the current state
of innovation at the academy indicated some
trends towards innovation, represented in
five axes: organizational structure, initiatives
and programs, regional achievements, quality
of teaching, and scientific and academic
cooperation agreements. Participants
identified some essential requirements for
moving towards innovation at the academy,
which included: 1. Requirements related to
the Research and Studies Center, such as:
“Developing the Al-Amana Journal, activating
the Innovation and Development Department
and other departments, establishing a research
chair for security and police studies, and
focusing on applied research.» 2. Having an
innovation strategy. 3. Infrastructure and
material resources. 4. Quality of education.
5. Promoting a culture of innovation.
6.Scientific research and research cooperation.
Participants indicated that the academy could
achieve innovation in two areas: security and
police training and education, and applied
police and security research. In light of these
results, a proposed framework was presented
to enhance innovation at the Sultan Qaboos
Academy for Police Sciences in light of Oman
Vision 2040. The study recommended that the
Sultan Qaboos Academy for Police Sciences
adopt and implement the proposed framework
according to the stages and requirements
it includes. The academy should develop a
strategic plan for police and security innovation
and form a working team to follow up on its
implementation. The study concluded with a
proposal for complementary studies on the
same topic.