English abstract
Fringelip mullet (Crenimugil crenilabis) caught at Al-Duqum and Salalah in the Arabian Sea region of Oman were sampled monthly between January 2001 and December 2002. The total length (TL) of mullet caught with gill- and seine nets ranged from 12 to 54.5 cm (32.4 cm mean ± SD; n = 2445) but <2% of specimens had a TL<24 cm, suggesting gear selectivity. Females dominated samples (1 : 0.36) and reached L50 at 32.8 cm TL (32.2 cm in males). Length weight relationships were non-linear and conversion factors between TL, fork length (FL) and standard length (SL) were calculated. Proportionately, most females had ripe gonads in September and October, and males in September to November. Both female and male gonadosomatic indices (GSI) peaked in September and October and were lowest between May and August. The peak in reproductive activity coincides with the fall intermonsoon, when the Arabian Sea upwellings caused by the onshore winds of the SW monsoon season (June to August/September) retreat. During this intermonsoon period the inshore water temperatures begin to rise after reaching a minimum in August/September. Some reproductive activity also occurs in other months, particularly February, when water temperatures are seasonally lower.