English abstract
Industries around the world has revolutionized with the arrival of blockchain technology. Blockchain applications and use cases are in the process of development in different domains. This research presents a blockchain platform "JobChain" to manage the job recruitments. The case study is conducted for the job recruitments in various Ministries in Sultanate of Oman. Currently, in Oman, citizens are aware of the job vacancies through the advertisements posted in newspapers or social media. A job seeker then applies for the desired job and thereafter the qualified candidates are called for tests/ interviews. To ease this process, a solution based on blockchain which includes various Ministries and the citizens/ residents of Sultanate of Oman is proposed in this research. Ministries can post the job vacancies in the blockchain and qualified citizen(s) can submit their application. Relevant cryptographic functions are used to verify the authenticity of the participants in the blockchain network. The citizens feel the existence of a trusted secure government, which is mandatory for the development of a country. Unlike traditional models, blockchain eliminates the need of intermediary agents (e.g. Job Consultancies) thereby providing direct communication between the participants of the blockchain. The proposed blockchain framework helps the citizens in Oman to get updated about the job vacancies. Hyperledger Composer Playground is used to design and test the proposed blockchain business network. Preliminary results show that the participants and assets are created successfully and the transactions to approve a job vacancy and a job application is done through the proposed blockchain network.