Impact of teacher professional development on student attitudes and experiences in school learning - a case study of Oman.
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. v. 18, 10, p. 48-67
Al-Shabibiyah, Amira.
Society for Research and Knowledge Management.
English abstract
The ultimate goal of teacher professional development is to improve students' learning skills and learning outcomes. Students are the end-users of teaching and education. Thus, it is of utmost relevance to get information on how students experience the instruction of teachers who have participated in professional development and in-service programmes. In this study, the impact of participation in teachers' professional training is examined in schools in Oman. The sample of the study consists of 6000 students: 3176 students of teachers who had participated in training, and 2824 students of teachers who had not received the training. The student questionnaire was designed to provide insight into how the training received by the teacher affects student attitudes towards learning and schooling. An independent sample t-test was conducted to determine if there were differences in attitudes towards learning between students of trained teachers and non-trained teachers. The results show statistically significant differences between students' attitudes of students of trained teachers.
DOI: 10.26803/ijlter.18.10.4