English abstract
This study aimed to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and life satisfaction, and the extent of the contribution of Emotional intelligence dimensions (using emotion,perceiving emotions,understanding emotions, managing emoions) in life satisfaction among sur university college and sur college of applied sciences students Al Sharqiya South, and identify the level of Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction, also it aimed to examine the differences in Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction in relation to some variables including (gender, college). The sample of this study consisted of 274 students (137 from sur university students and 137 sur college of applied sciences students), the researcher used Emotional intelligence prepared by the schutte scale and life satisfaction scale prepared by Al-Dosogy (1998). The results showed that:
There was a positive relationship between Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction, it contributes to the dimensions of emotional intelligence (use emotional, awareness of emotions, manage emotional) they have the ability to predict life satisfaction, levels of Emotional Intelligence and life satisfaction were high among the study sample, there were statistically significant differences at o=0.05 emotional intelligence in favor of finales, there were statistically significant differences at a=0.05 emotional intelligence of sur college applied sciences and sur university college in favor of the sur college applied sciences, there were no statistically significant differences at a=0.05 in life satisfaction due to the variables (gender, college).