English abstract
This research is aimed to identify the term of peer tutoring, it is benefits and explained how it is can be use among counseling as treatment. The Community that has been studied in the search contained a group of
students from Hay AL Turath school,350 students (class seven,eight
and nine).The selection sample contained various cases in the school and these cases diversified between benefit of peer torturing as a treatment for some cases and it is benefit in terms of developing and
Depending on the qualitative research, the sample was selected by random intentionally way .Among thirteen cases some cases treated by peer tutoring directly, some cases treated by program and the other not treated by peer tutoring directly.
The research results show the effect of peer tutoring in most cases, through the disappearance of some abnormal symptoms. Furthermore some cases gained good attributes after undergo for peer tutoring
Finally, the results confirm the effectiveness of the peer tutoring program and it is development, preventive and treatment role. However, the treatment role was more visible in all studied cases.