English abstract
This study aims to research the level of future anxiety among grade
twelve students in Muscat region. Accordingly, the researcher used
qualitative research depending on interviews of individual students. This
method helps to investigate the level of future anxiety as well as the
reasons and symptom among students. A purposeful sampling was
used in this study consisting of eight grade twelve students; four male
and four female.
The finding has identified a high level of future anxiety among grade
twelve students in Muscat region. That is due to the nature of grade
twelve level and students' low self-confident. Incapability of planning,
time management, discussion making and thinking of family economical
situation contribute to rise the future anxiety. Symptoms are clearly
observed on the students physical, psychological, cognitive and social
The most important recommendation arising from this study are the
need for focusing on grade twelve students in schools, increasing
student self-awareness and helping them realize their psychological,
social and economical problems. Teaching the students ways of
planning for their future and decision making skills as well as guiding
them for specialization that suit the continuous changing in life are also
essential. Open discussion with students in order to understand their
problems and ways of thinking is one of the study recommendation.