English abstract
DMT was used for three main applications in famous projects in Dubai, UAE and in Duqm Port in Sultanate of Oman in the Arabian Gulf. The 1st two applications were conducted in man-made sandy earthfill embankments formed by dredging from the sea bed and stabilized by deep ground improvement. The recent correlations of S. Marchetti to incorporate the DMT stress history parameter KD for CPT-based CRR was used to confirm post-compaction CPT-based liquefaction analysis in the Duqm Site, whereas DMT was used in Dubai site to confirm the over consolidated nature of upper sandy fill soil that was previously Vibro-Compacted (8–10 years). On the other hand, the design of large diameter flexible steel oil storage tanks is based on controlled & strict, edge settlement requirements. Without DMT, the estimates of soil modulus are made based on SPT or CPT tests resulting in conservative estimates, and suggesting the need for deep ground densification/improvement. Site specific correlation was developed for a large site between DMT based M and CPT tip resistance (qc) indicating at least 50% increase over the CPT based M.