English abstract
This paper attempts to introduce a linguist who didn't obtain the fame and fortune, Rafeea Bin Salamh Alabdi, known as (Damath), the companion and the narrator of Abu Obaidah Muammar bin Almuthanna; from whom he narrated and learned the language, events, history, and genealogy, by means of narrating on one hand, and through writing down his books on the other one. This study consists of three sections, introduction and a conclusion. The first section is about Damath: his name, nickname, surname, pedigree, his relationship with Abu Obaidah, his features, rank and then his death. The second section is about his narrations (topics of his narrations, his references, quotations and their linguistic values). The third section is about a grammatical issue linked to
implied (ān) with the present tense preceded by fa, waw or Aw focusing on the opinions of the grammarians about the problem and on the general principles which had been applied in this implication. The study concluded with important findings such as introducing an unknown linguist to the researchers in the linguistics and grammatical fields, in acknowledgement of his scientific heritage and linguistics contribution.