English abstract
This study aims at identifying the degree to which the school Principals in Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate, the Sultanate of Oman, practice the behavior of apology. The researcher has used the descriptive-analytical approach. Surveys have been carried out as a tool for collecting the required data and applied to a sample consisting of 603 teachers from Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate.
The study presents the following findings: The degree of school Principals' practice of apology behavior in Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate has been found moderate. The school Principals' practice of the apology dimensions takes the following descending order, namely giving compensation, repairing the caused damage, feeling regret, bearing the responsibility for their mistake, promising that such mistakes will never happen again, and acknowledging the fact that they have committed a mistake. The findings indicate that there is no statistically significant difference attributed to "gender" variable at the significance level of (a≤ 0.05) between the averages of dimensions of apology. However, there is significant difference at the level of (as 0.05) between averages of dimensions of apology attributed to variables of experience, academic qualifications and type of school.
The study suggests many recommendations, the most important of which are: caring for providing professional development for school principals by the Ministry of Education. This development is to be attained through providing programs that cover various aspects including behavioral aspects of school principals, as this plays a major role in the work progress and success. Also, the study suggests focusing on the importance of human relation at work as this plays a role in creating a problem-free atmosphere that motivates work through promoting the culture of apology among school principals. It also recommends holding seminars and lectures on the culture of apology and its importance in the community so as to improve the general perception of apology.