English abstract
This study aimed to recognize the level of emotional intelligence among principals of basic education schools and its relationship with improving the school environment in Al- Dakhiliya Governorate. It used the descriptive relational approach. A questionnaire was designed which include three parts; the first part included the general information of the individuals' study sample, the second part discussed the emotional intelligence including (27) paragraphs divided into five dimensions (the dimension of self-conscious, the dimension of self-organizing, the dimension of motivation, the dimension of sympathy, the dimension of social relations), and the third part discussed improving the school environment which include (23) paragraphs divided into four dimensions (the dimension of the organizational commitment, the dimension of the creativity and invention, the dimension of job satisfaction, the dimension of school preparations). The study society consisted of all the teachers in the basic education school's who teach class (10) in Al- Dakhiliya Governorate in Sultanate of Oman which are (653) teacher. The study sample consisted of (337) teacher with a percentage of 52%, and they have been selected randomly; (96) male teachers and (241) female teachers.
The study result showed that the level of the emotional intelligence is (High). Also, the level of the improvement of school environment is (High). The (dimension of motivation) was the biggest emotional intelligence dimension. The social relations' dimension came in the second place, then the dimension of sympathy, then the dimension of self-conscious, and at the last and the dimension of self-organizing. The nonexistence of differences that have statistical indication at the level (a≤ 0.05) was due to the impact of (the social type, the educational qualification, and the years of experience) in all the emotional intelligence dimensions. The (dimension of the organizational commitment) came in the highest rank of the dimension of school environment improvement. Respectively, the dimension of the creativity and invention, then the dimension of school preparations, and at last, the dimension of job satisfaction. The nonexistence of statistical differences at the level (a≤ 0.05) for the study sample estimations was due to the variable social type in all dimensions of school environment improvement and in the overall result with the exception of the school preparation that came to the favor of females. The absence of statistical differences at the level (a≤ 0.05) for the study sample estimations was due to the variable (educational qualification and years of experience) in all dimensions of school environment improvement. There is a positive statistical indication relation between the emotional intelligence and improving the school environment for the principals of basic education schools in Al-Dakhiliya Governorate in Sultanate of Oman.
In the light of these results, there are some recommendations such as provide workshops training for the schools' principals in relation management and how to affect the workers positively. The department of information technology in the directorate of Al- Dakhiliya Governorate has to provide internet connection and modern communication means for all schools; in all classes and school facilities because of its effective role in facilitating the communication and the search of valuable and useful information.