English abstract
Information Retrieval is the method to retrieve information according to user
needs. E-library is one of the interesting ways for study and education because it
includes a huge amount of information and it is stored in a special database and it
is extracted from a corpus of documents. The E-library is a part of an Information
Retrieval system and it provides methods to extract information and increase
knowledge. But there are inadequacies in the Arabic terms search library and they
can be solved by enhancing or adopting an algorithm in order to make the search
of Arabic words more efficient and easier. In this work, an algorithm for
quadrilaterals of Arabic words for use with a search engine of the E-library has
been adopted and integrated with New Approach for Extracting Quadrilateral
Arabic Root and Pattern based Stemmer for Finding Arabic Roots.
SPSS is a powerful, user friendly software package used for the detailed
statistical analysis of data. The data has been tested with the reliability and scale of
all variables and is positive. The Cornbach's Alpha is 0.787 for 11 items in the 31
survey papers. The One-Sample T Test procedure tests whether the Mean of a
single variable differs from a specified constant. In the ordinary search, the Mean
is between 3.10 and 3.35. In the quad search, the Mean is between 3.19 and 3.81
which is more than 2 that is close with the 4 rates of the survey cases. The Sig. (2-
tailed) in all cases = 0.00 (0%) that is lower than Alpha (0.05) or (5%).
According to the analysis done between ordinary search and quad search, it
can observe the Confidence Interval of the Difference (95%) in the ordinary search
located between 1.34 and 1.66. In contrast, it located between 1.45 and 1.95 in
quad search. So, the result of using algorithm for quadrilateral of the Arabic word
is more effective than ordinary search regarding the results in analysis tests.