English abstract
The study aims at identifying the social advisor's awareness on the Group Counseling Skills in the Omani schools.
The researcher used Interactive Qualitative Research in which he chooses the sample by case type. The population of the study was (45) social adviser's from Samail, Bedbed and Izky and the sample was (8) advisors. Deep individual interviews had been done for them.
The results of the interviews showed a weakness on the social advisor's awareness on group counseling skills most of the sample didn't differentiate between the concept of group counseling group guiding and group psychology remedy in which it showed that some of them climbed that group guiding lesson considers as a group counseling program. In addition evident that there is a weakness on the skills used in planning the group counseling with the sample who applied counseling program. Moreover, a group most of the sample showed that they don't go back to the theoretical art to collect the information on the concept of problem, it's reasons, it's symptoms and it's impacts either on the students or the environment surrounding them whether in schools or the society. They also showed a weakness on reading the psychology real counseling methods. In addition they mentioned the absence
of group counseling programs. Considering the quantity, the assessment and the following up.
They also showed the weakness on managing the counseling sessions, their planning and their assessment. The results had also showed the weakness on the leaders' guidance skills, the lack of awareness on the group considering steps.
The recommendations of this study is to design a practical program with at least 100 practical hours for the social advisors to practices the group counseling skills, to encourage them to apply group counseling programs at schools and to present the helpful counseling programs on the educational gathering. It also recommends to do a diploma program on group counseling for a whole year in one of the high education collages in Oman. The program is focusing on the practical skills on, psychotically counseling in schools and to do an experimental study on the efficiency of a practical program on developing the group counseling skills for the social advisors in schools.