English abstract
Water-borne parasitic infections have become a source of concern in recent times due to the contamination of various water sources. A survey on the parasitic contamination of local drinking water sources in Aba metropolis was carried out between August and October 2018. This was done to evaluate the extent of contamination of these water sources and their public health implications. A total number of eighty (80) water samples were investigated from five (5) major water sources within the study area using the standard sedimentation method and examined for parasite cysts, eggs and larvae. Physical/macroscopic examination was done to determine the pH, colour, odour, temperature and presence/absence of particles. Among the water sources analyzed, stream water samples had the highest rate of parasite contamination 27 (44.3%) followed by river water 14 (22.9%) while the least contaminated was borehole 7 (11.5%). Rainwater was found free from parasitic infestation. The differences in the level of contamination among the water sources analyzed were found to be statistically significant (P<0.05). Five parasites Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Ascaris lumbricoides of Entamoeba coli and Hookworm were observed. Each of the sample sources except rainwater harbored at least one of these. Among these parasites, Giardia lamblia had the highest rate occurrence of 15 (24.6%), followed by Entamoeba histolytica 14 (22.9%) and the least frequently occurring parasite was hookworm 8 (13.1%). Most of the identified water sources are utilized by the populace who lack access to potable water. The detection of protozoan and helminthic parasites in drinking water sources is a serious public health concern, hence the proper implementation of a supply of safe drinking water is vital.