Journal of Engineering Research, v. 20, no. 2, p. 149-160.
English abstract
his study is a comparison of wind
and seismic loads on medium and high-rise
buildings in Muscat, Oman. It uses the proposed
Omani Seismic Code and Eurocode EN1991 for
seismic and wind calculations, respectively. Muscat
falls under Zone-1 in the Omani seismic code and
experience basic wind speed of 30 m/sec. The
research investigates buildings with varying aspect
ratios (1:1 and 1:2), heights (11, 15, and 19
stories), and structural layouts (frame only, core
shear wall, and corner shear wall), using ETABS for
structural analysis. The findings reveal that seismic
actions are generally more significant than wind
actions for buildings in Muscat. In frame-only
structures, wind-induced base shear ranges from
16%-33% for 1:1 aspect ratio and 21%-43% in the
x-direction and 10%-20% in the y-direction for 1:2
aspect ratio, when compared to seismic actions.
This difference decreases with increasing building
height. Incorporating shear walls notably reduces
the maximum lateral displacement across all
scenarios, with core-located walls being most
effective, leading to a 49% reduction in lateral
displacement. Shear walls also substantially
mitigate first-story column shear forces and
bending moments. The study concludes that
seismic actions are more critical than wind actions
in Muscat for simple moment-resisting frame
systems. Additionally, using shear walls in these
buildings is highly beneficial for controlling lateral
displacements and reducing member forces.