English abstract
We report the first case of off-pump complete myocardial
revascularization through antero-lateral thoracotomy (ThoraCAB) in Middle-East. 69 year old gentleman having angina
pectoris for last three years with severe double vessel disease
involving the left anterior descending artery (95% proximal
lesion) and the circumflex system (80% mid circumflex lesion with
significant osteal disease in obtuse marginal) and insignificant
disease in right coronary artery with moderate left ventricular
impairment underwent Thora-CAB. Post-operatively, he
had minimal pain, quick symptomatic improvement and no
complications. He was discharged home on 5th post-operative
day. This indicates that the thoracotomy approach is safe and
practical for CABG. It is well tolerated hemodynamically with
no/ minimal post-operative morbidity.