English abstract
Objectives: A prospective study to evaluate the changes in A-Scan axial parameters of phakic normal eyes before and after instillation of 1% topical Tropicamide and 2% Homatropine eye drops. Methods: Anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, vitreous chamber length, and ocular axial length were measured in 76 eyes before and after cycloplegia induced by 1% topical Tropicamide, and in 28 eyes with 2% Homatropine eye drops. Results: Anterior chamber depth demonstrated increase from baseline readings with Tropicamide and Homatropine eye drops, while lens thickness showed decrease from the baseline readings with both eye drops. Effect of both the eye drops on over all axial length and vitreous chamber length is statistically seen, but is clinically negligible and not significant. Conclusion: Cycloplegia induced by 1% Tropicamide eye drops and 2% Homatropine eye drops has a significant measurable influence on anterior chamber depth and lens thickness, while vitreous chamber length and overall axial length demonstrated negligible statistical difference on A-Scan parameters of the normal phakic eyes.