English abstract
Motivated by the outstanding application of computers across a range of scientific disciplines, including psychology, the researcher designed a psychological scale by use of computer. This scale attempted to help adolescents identify points of strength in their thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Besides, this scale was intended to provide of psychological guidance when yielded weak features of thoughts, emotions, and behavior. The manual scale was designed based on previous literature, tests and scales relevant to thoughts, emotions, and behavior, and items and dimensions of each test were defined. An exploratory study was then conducted to test the variables and ensure the reliability and validity of items. A sample contained of 950 school and university adolescents who ranged in age from 15 to 21 years.
The designed scale comprises four groups of six main sub-tests each with a total number of 24 sub-tests. Logging into the application, the participant based on his/her age and gender is requested to respond to six tests by selecting the item that she/ he believes to provide a correct description of him/ according to the Likert frequency scale. Upon test completion, the participant is provided with a grand total mark of the six tests with an overall interpretation of what it means as well as sub-totals for each dimension. In cases where there is a decrease of marks on any items of the test, the participant is offered both audio and written guidelines of how to improve. This computer-aided psychological scale was designed to identify 25 dimensions relevant to thoughts, emotions and behaviors among adolescents and test them.