English abstract
Objectives: Patients with sickle cell anemia (SCA) are immunocompromised and at an increased risk of developing infections. Our aim was to establish the clinical, laboratory, and radiological manifestations of respiratory viral infections in SCA at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital (SQUH), Oman and assess its impact on disease morbidity and mortality, with special emphasis on H1N1. Methods: We undertook a retrospective study in SCA patients with respiratory viral infections following up at the hematology department at SQUH. We collected demographic data and clinical, radiological, and laboratory parameters. Results: In 84 SCA patients with 109 admission episodes for vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC), molecular diagnostic techniques confirmed 125 respiratory viral infections. Rhinovirus was the most prevalent infection (35.8%), whereas H1N1 virus infection was seen only in 10.1%. Laboratory investigations revealed a significant fall in mean hemoglobin levels, mean white blood cell, and platelet counts from baseline, whereas there was a significant rise in the mean lymphocyte and retic count, serum lactate dehydrogenase, and C-reactive protein levels during infective episodes (p < 0.050, Wilcoxon signed rank test). One-third (32.1%) of the VOC episodes progressed to acute chest syndrome (ACS), but in the H1N1 cohort, only two episodes of ACS was seen (18.2%). Conclusions: Rhinovirus was the commonest respiratory virus infections in SCA patients, whereas parainfluenza 3 was associated with a significant adverse outcome. H1N1 was associated with a mild course. ACS was seen in approximately one-third of this group of patients.