English abstract
Separation of pubic symphysis during delivery is a rare complication resulting in considerable and prolonged morbidity for parturient women. The usual presentation is that of something giving way in the region of the symphysis pubis sometimes with an audible crack at the time of delivery. Unbearable pain on moving from side-to-side and on performing any weight-bearing activity (such as walking or climbing stairs) precludes ambulation in the immediate postpartum period. This could be accompanied by disruption of the sacroiliac joint, hemorrhage, or urine incontinence in severe cases. Radiography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging are the diagnostic modalities that aid confirmation of diagnosis. The magnitude of separation does not correlate well with the severity of symptoms. Treatment modalities range from conservative management (including analgesics, pelvic binders, transcutaneous nerve stimulation) and chiropractic management to orthopedic interventions such as external fixation or open reduction and internal fixation. Since postpartum pain is frequently dismissed as attributable to labor and childbirth, the diagnosis of pubic symphysis diastasis is often delayed and sometimes missed altogether. Since there is no consensus in the scientific literature on the definition, etiopathogenesis, and management of this rare complication, we attempted to review the literature on the subject and present a series of two cases.