English abstract
This study investigates the attitudes of the GCC youths towards marriage issues and requirements in their communities. The topic has been selected based on the researcher's awareness of the magnitude of marriage-related problems in the GCC countries, including divorce, spinsterhood, family disintegration, and parental conflicts. The study endeavors to explore the views of unmarried youths towards the different marriage-related issues, the basis for their selection of marriage partners, and their need for marriage orientation programs to prepare them for marriage life. This descriptive study uses the social survey sample method with a sample population of 662 participants. The population of the study consists of young people (18+) from the GCC who are planning to get married. The study shows that lack of financial means is the most important constraints precluding the GCC youths from getting married. The study also shows that the selection of a marriage partner is based mainly on the good reputation and manners of the partner. The study recommends that the GCC communities need to create awareness programs to help reduce dowries and other marriage-related expenses. It also recommends to establish marriage funds to help the youths with marriage expenses and to encourage group wedding ceremonies in order to reduce cost.