English abstract
A 25-year-old man with no personal or
family history of interest attended the outpatient clinic of the Complejo Hospitalario
de Granada, Granada, Spain, in 2017 with multiple,
non-pruritic, atrophic, mildly indurated, brownish,
erythematous patches on his back of one year's
duration [Figure 1]. He denied any regular medication
use or having had any previous conditions. There was
no history of trauma preceding the appearance of
the skin lesions. Routine laboratory tests were within
normal limits, including a complete blood cell count,
urinalysis, thyroid profile, protein electrophoresis and
general biochemistry, antinuclear/extractable nuclear
antibody and rheumatoid factor tests. Immunoglobulin
M and G tests for Borrelia burgdorferi were negative.