English abstract
THIS BOOK IS A REVISED EDITION OF Clinical Molecular Anatomic Imaging (2003) by the same author. Since the publishing of the first edition, the importance of positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission tomography (SPECT) in the clinical arena has evolved achieving a definite place in the realm of clinical investigations of patients. PET is today recognized as the best tumour imaging modality by the scientific community worldwide while SPECT has almost completely replaced planar imaging in many nuclear medicine investigations. Although very sensitive compared to other imaging modalities, PET and SPECT lack the ability to define anatomical landmarks precisely. This book discusses how this shortfall is currently overcome by integrating PET and SPECT with computed tomography (CT). The combination with CT anatomical imaging with PET and SPECT functional/molecular imaging has revolutionised patient investigation. The addition of CT allows more accurate attenuation correction of the photons by overlying tissues and organs.