الاعتراض في القرآنِ الكريمِ وَدلالاتُهُ دراسةٌ وصفيَّةٌ تحليليَّةٌ.
عدوان, جميل محمَّد جبريل.
جامعة السلطان قابوس. كلية الآداب والعلوم الاجتماعية
English abstract
The study sets out to present a definition of interception in the language and terminology of the Holy Quran and examines in detail all rhetorical purposes of the interception sentence contained in the holy book, which were found to be forty one rhetorical purposes. It focuses as well as the linguistic interest of the interception sentence. A discussion of placements of interception sentences followed, explaining ten states where interception could only be used in the holy Quran without discussing interception placements in language books.
The study also includes opinions of past and modern Quran interpreters concerning interception as it cited most of famous Quran interpretation books as well as reliable language references.