English abstract
The Holy Quran was the first book that Muslim scholars concentrated on. They recited, memorized, understood and studied it as they held a strong belief the Holy Quran is their lives' constitution and the source of their guidance. In their turn, Ibadhi scholars took part in the enrichment of the Islamic library with a large number of books and other essays. This research is done to shed some light on a part of their efforts from a prestigious town which has had a considerable role in producing some of these scholars. This research has monitored and documented the achievements of eleven scholars from Nizwa who specialized in the Quranic sciences and explanation from the first to the sixth century after Hijra. These written achievements were scattered in different books and now they are all gathered together in a separate study which can be used as a reference for future researchers. This research has an introductory chapter in which I introduced Nizwa and its scientific, religious and cultural importance. Also I listed some of the scholars who lived there. In the first chapter, I dealt with the scholars' achievements in the field of the Quranic sciences. In the second chapter, 1 emphasized on their achievements in the field of explaining the Holy Quran. Each chapter is divided into four sections. The scholars of the first and second centuries are included in the first section. The scholars of the third and fourth centuries are included in the second section, while those who lived in the fifth and sixth centuries are included in the third section. The fourth section of each chapter emphasized the major characteristics of these efforts. At the end of my research, I summarized the most important information that I had discovered with some recommendations. I hope this research will be beneficial for everybody. May the Almighty God bless our Prophet Mohammed, his family and his companions.