English abstract
This study aims to look into the means of utilizing the approach of job enrichment to promote the performance of senior teachers at the i schools of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman ,and to identify the concept of this approach, the related theories of motivation ,it's dimensions and principles, the element that affect the success of it's application ,it's procedures of application and the problems that may confront the process of application ,besides identifying some of the educational variances, that are related to this approach.
The study also aims to identify senior teacher's job and the necessity of job enrichment and its role in the development of the job, in addition, the study aims to identify senior teacher's job in the Sultanate of Oman and the efforts made by Sultanate to promote his/her job. . Furthermore, the study aims to descriptively analyse the duties of the senior teacher as stated in the Guide for the work of Basic Education Schools in the Sultanate, (2003) in accordance with the dimensions of job enrichment. . One more objective of this study is to look into the factual :performance of the senior teacher in agreement with the dimensions of job enrichment to verify the existence of any statistically significant differences among the respondents based on the variances of gender, educational qualifications, experience in the job of senior teacher, specialization, getting a permanent post by a ministerial decision and . being selected to perform the duties of resident supervisor, the study also aims to propose suggestions to promote the senior teacher's performance - at the schools of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman, in the light . i of job enrichment approach.
To realize the objectives of the study, the researcher analysed the - theoretical literature review related to the approach of job enrichment
and the job of senior teachers and it's duties, and also prepared : questionnaire that consist of (61) clauses, the reliability and the validity of the clauses were verified and sorted out into five domains that represent the dimensions of the job enrichment approach, they are: skills variety, tasks identity, tasks significant, autonomy and feedback, and open interview was conducted with a number of the ministry of Education's educational supervisors for the purpose of proposing suggestions that could promote the performance of senior teachers in agreement with the five domains of the questionnaire representing the dimensions of job enrichment.
The first category of the study sample consisted of (603) senior teachers of both sexes, statistical processing of the data was conducted using repetitions, mean average, standard divisions, ranks, T-tests, ANOVA and LSD tests for post – hoc comparisons, the second category of the study sample consisted of ( 12 ) educational supervisions from the Ministry of Education and from the supervision departments of the regional educational administrations of the Sultanate, some of the most significant results obtained from the questionnaire are the following: 1- The discretions of the first category of the study sample's senior teachers on the five domains representing the five dimensions of job. enrichment exist in degrees that vary between high and moderate in the factual performance of senior teachers of the schools of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman, the procedures related to the (skills variety) was high in the senior teacher's point of view, as far the procedures related to the other four dimensions, they were high and moderate while some of the procedures related the dimensions of (Autonomy ) scored low.
2- Regarding the impact of the study variances the following finding were reached: a- There are statistically significant differences between the averages of the individuals of the first category of the study sample attributed to the following variances: gender, educational qualifications, experience as senior teacher, specialization and maintaining a permanent post by a ministerial decision, those differences vary between the five domains of the study according to the variances of the study. b- No statistically significant differences exist between the averages of the first category of the field study sample that can be attributed to the variances of being selected to become resident supervisor at the school in all domains of the study.
The most prominent findings of the interview was as follows: a-The Ministry of Education has given much attention to the job of . senior teacher, particularly when the ministry adopted the project of the schools' resident supervisors and the authorities delegated to the senior teachers. b- It has proposed several suggestions that would contribute to the development of the senior teacher's performance in line with the five dimensions of the job enrichment. In the light of analyzing the educational literature review and the findings of conducting the questionnaire and the interviews, the study presented a number of proposed procedures, the most prominent of which are: working toward re-designing the job of senior teacher in accordance with the approach of job enrichment, working toward the provision of opportunities of training programmes for the senior teachers, school managers and educational supervisors to enable them to identify the job enrichment approach and considering the idea of assigning the senior teachers as resident supervisors and the results that may follow such as arrangement.