أثر استخدام الدعائم التعليمية في اكتساب طالبات الصف التاسع الأساسي للمفاهيم الكهربائية و تعديل تصوراتهن البديلة نحوها
السعيدية, وفاق بنت خالد بن خلف.
English abstract
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of the scaffolding instructions in acquisition of electrical concepts and correcting the alternative conceptions of the 9th grade female students. The study used semi-experimental approach. It consisted of 62 female students of 9th grade selected from Kadeeja ALKuobra School for Basic Education. The sample of the study was divided into two groups experimental group (n = 33 student ) taught the electrical concepts by using scaffolding instructions and a control group (n =29 students ) which was taught by conventional method . The study lasted for two months in the second semester of the 2016/2017 academic year.
To achieve the study aim , the researcher designed teaching manual in how to use scaffolding instruction to teach the experimental group. A student manual and electronic profile containing PowerPoint presentations, videos and flash clips were also prepared . The validity of teaching manual was checked by competence specialists . electricity concepts test was also which aim to test acquisition of electrical concepts in which its reliability value was 0.84.
The findings of the study revealed that there were significant difference at the value of ( a=0.05) in the performance average of the test of the acquisition electrical concepts between experimental group and the control group in favor of the experimental group. Furthermore, the study showed that there were reduced in alternative conceptions in electrical concepts in experimental group compared to control group
In view of these findings ,the study proposed several recommendations such as : the importance of detection the alternative conceptions for the students before start teaching specific topics which will help them in acquiring the correct concepts. It also recommended conducting workshops for the science teachers during their in- service and train them in how to apply scaffolding in the class to correct alternative conceptions. Finally the study recommended conducting similar studies to show its effects in educational variables.