درجة توافر متطلبات الاقتصاد القائم على المعرفة في أنشطة دروس القراءة المضمنة في كتاب اللغة العربية "لغتي الجميلة للصفين السابع والثامن الأساسيين.
المسرورية, نعمة بنت سالم بن حمد.
English abstract
The study aimed at exploring the degree of the availability of knowledge-based economy requirements in the reading lesson activities of the Arabic language textbook 'My Beautiful Language for grade 7 and grade 8. The study aimed to answer the following questions:
1. To what degrees do reading lessons activities in grade seven Arabic language textbooks involve knowledge-based economy requirements? 2. To what degrees do reading lessons activities in grade eight Arabic language textbooks involve knowledge based economy requirements? 3. Are there any differences in the degrees of knowledge-based economy requirements in reading lessons activities with respect to class grade level? In order to answer research questions, rubric card analysis was used. It consisted of a list of knowledge-based-economy requirements that should be included in the reading lesson activities for grades 7 and 8 of the basic education. There were (644) activities that were analyzed using analysis rubric card. The study findings revealed lower degree of availability of both Communication, and Information & Communications Technology (ICT) activities in both grade 7 and 8 textbooks with no more than 10 %. Moreover, the study revealed differences in the degrees knowledge-based economy requirements with respect to grade level.
In the lights of previous findings, the study recommended the importance of including the knowledge-based economy skills in the lessons and activities in Arabic language textbooks for all grade levels while considering the age of students. The study suggested a set of similar research topics.