English abstract
This study sheds the light on both phonology and connotation structures in the poetry of Al Kithawi with special concentration on the terms of sounds and connotation. The research consists of a preface, two chapters which are divided into two investigations for each, findings and a conclusion.
In the preface, a detailed identification of Al Kithawi and the term of stylistic and its trends are introduced. While in the first chapter, the researcher goes through the preceptives of rhythms, its functions and its types: internal and external. In the second chapter, the researcher investigates two sections which are: the image structure in Al Kithawi poetry and the meaning fields of its poems. The conclusion reveals the findings of the study derived from the formation of artistic structures in his poetry.
The researcher summarized some core findings. First, the poet had a strong trend to use Al Taweel and Al Kamil rhythms respectively consisting more than 50% of his poetry in the poetic weight. Although he had the ability to use all types of rhythms of poetic, the poet had less used of Al Hazaj, Al Mujtath, Al Madeed and Al Rajz rhythms.
Second, despite that the poet was stick to The Arabic poetic weight, he has employed a new artistic and poetic formation representing quadruplets forming a new structure in deploying rhyme not used before.
Finally, he poet had an enormous and intensive lexical dictionary used in his poetic productions. In addition, he had utilized the meaning fields of those terms in different contexts other than its original ones.