English abstract
This study aims to explore the evaluation of training programs provided for social studies teachers in the Sultanate of Oman in the light of the evaluation model by Jack Phillips as well as determining the impact of different variables namely: type, educational governorate, teaching experience and the number of training programs attended by teachers.
To achieve the objectives of the study, a card has been designed to analyze the training programs offered for social studies teachers in the Sultanate of Oman foe the year (2013). The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach by preparing a questionnaire consisting of (35) statements divided into (4) levels: Reaction, learning, application and results. After confirming the validity of the questionnaire. It was distributed among (450) teachers majored in social studies whom attended these training programs in all governorates of the Sultanate in the year (2013). The researcher choses one program to apply the fifth level of Phillips model which is (Return on investment) by using data collected from conducted interviews. The researcher has interviewed (16) teachers majored in social studies located in Muscat Governorate.
The results of the study revealed that most of the training programs provided for social studies teachers focused with a percentage of (50%) on two main areas: instructional methods of teaching programs with a percentage of (26%), and professional development programs with a percentage of (24%). The results also showed that the teachers' evaluation of the training programs reached an average of (3.71) which considered to be high. The results also indicated that there were statistically significant differences in the level (a = 0,05) due to the variable (teaching experience) as for the teachers who have (11 and more) years in teaching and statistically significant differences at the level (a = 0,05) due to the variable (governorate) specifically for Aldaklia governorate. There were also differences emerged statistically significant at the level (a = 0,05) due to the variable (training programs) for the number of programs attended (3 or more programs). While the results revealed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level (a = 0,05) due to the variable (gender).
The researcher recommended adapting Jack Phillip's model to evaluate training programs and establishing the effectiveness of those program to give a realistic overview of its effectiveness which will mainly contribute to the development and accomplishment of its objectives. The researcher also stressed upon the need to identify training needs accurately, and to consider and revise methods of training that are currently used. In addition to estalish the role of the Specialist Training Center to activate its part in proportion of the current developments.