English abstract
The aim of this study is to investigate difficulties confronting teachers from doing laboratory work in secondary schools. To tackle such a problem three questions have been posed:
1- What are difficulties confronting teachers from doing laboratory work in general schools?
2-How do rate these difficulties with respect to sex, specialization and teaching experience?
3- What suggestions teachers pose to overcome these difficulties?
For the purpose of the study, a questionnaire has been formulated consisting from (66) items distributed among 8 domains: Laboratory & appliances, technician, teacher, students, scientific content, school administration, educational supervision & student performance evaluation. The validity of the questionnaire was carried out through panel of (19) judges. The reliability was calculated by Cronbach alpha coefficient which found to be (0.93). The sample of this study consisted of (546) teachers (267 males and 279 females) were employed in this investigation in academic year (2003/2004).
The study revealed the following results:
1- There are many difficulties which negatively affect laboratory work in secondary schools such as: (Some experiments consume long time) and (Teachers have overload work).
2- There are significant differences at (0.05) level for teacher's ratings of these difficulties which could be attributed to the variables of sex, teaching experience and specialization:
a) Male teachers confront with more difficulties than females.
b) Teachers with a short/ an intermediate term of experience confront with more difficulties than teachers with a long term of experience.
c) Both physics and chemistry teachers confront with more difficulties than biology teachers. In the light of the results, the researcher came up with a set of recommendations and suggestions.