English abstract
This research aims at studying signs in Muwatta' Malik in terms of their syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects. To achieve this, several research questions will be raised and addressed: is the production and pragmatic use of meaning limited to the linguistic sign in the understanding of the Prophetic Traditions? Or do non-linguistic signs have a role in doing this. Can the linguistic signs be considered as decisive evidence in revealing/identifying Islamic Shair'a intentions? Do the non-linguistic signs supplement/support the linguistic signs in clarifying and defining the intended meaning and in conveying the main idea? How far do these signs contribute to the production of meaning and (b) how do they influence the receiver.
To answer these questions, the hypothesis, the objectives, significance and the problem of the study are identified. A comprehensive literature review is provided, trying identify the gabs in such studies. The manuscript (the book) with its different aspects, in light of which the analysis is performed, is defined. Then all the procedural steps and semiotic techniques of the analysis are identified. Then the concept of "sign" as used in the Manuscript with all its linguistic, logical and behavioral dimensions is identified. Some body language signs and cultural signs, such as colors, clothing, food, and number and metaphor signs, exemplifying metaphor theories, generation of meaning, iconic structure, and pragmatic dimensions are studied.
Finally, the findings and results of the study are presented. The most important of which are: the contribution of non-linguistic and the linguistic signs in Muwatta' Malik in producing meanings and pragmatic functions, the non-linguistic signs are supportive of the linguistic ones in expressing the meanings and functions, conveying ideas, and influencing the receiver and his/her behavior.