ضغوط الوالدية وعلاقتها بالكفاءة الذاتية لدى عينة من أمهات أطفال طيف التوحد وأمهات الأطفال العاديين.
العلوية, منيرة بنت عوض بن خميس.
English abstract
This study aime to reveal the parental pressure and its relationship with the self efficacy of mothers of autistic spectrum children and mothers of normal children in the Sultanate of Oman. The study sample consistes of (50) mothers of an autistic child and (50) mothers of a normal baby from three governorates of the Sultanate of Oman (Muscat, Al-Bahtina and Al-Dahira)
Two scales were used to answer the questions of the study. The first scale intended to measure parental pressure whereas the second scale was used to measure self-efficacy. The validity of both scales were ensured by face validity since scales also were reviewed by six members who are specialized in psychology field in educational institutions in the Sultanate of Oman.
Furthermore, the construct validity of the scales were ascertained by calculating the correlation coefficient between the sections of the scale and the entire scale in general. Cronbach's Alpha formula was used to validate the reliability coefficient for these scales for the internal consistency. The reliability coefficient for the scale of parental pressure was 0.686 and for the self-efficacy was 0.625.
The results of the study showed the following:
- Mother of children with autism have high level of pressure. Lower general self-efficacy is among mothers of children with autism spectrum compared to mothers of normal children There is statistically an inverse correlation between the total score of the scale of parental pressure and the total score for the scale of self-efficacy. Mothers of normal children are more efficient than mothers of children with autism spectrum.