English abstract
The study aims to recognize the level of marital adjustment, the level of forgiveness and perfectionism among a sample of teachers in Ad-Dakhiliya governorate. The study adopts different variables of sampling, including age and gender. The descriptive approach is used to achieve the study's aims. The sample consists of 327 teachers, 168 of them are males, whereas 159 are females, they were chosen according to the analytical descriptive method.
The study adopts the descriptive approach in order to achieve the aims of this study through using these instruments: Marital Adjustment Scale (MAS) which done by (Spanier,1976) and translated by (Frieza,2012), Heartland forgiveness Scale (HFS) which done by (Thompson, Snyder & Hoffman, 2005) and translated by (Mansour, 2009) and Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS) translated by (Rudwan, 2015).
To answer the study questions, the following statistics are used: Arithmetic averages, standard deviations and Pearson correlation coefficient. In addition, Cronbach's alpha is used to ensure the stability of the instruments, T-test and regression analysis are used as well.
The results indicate:
- The overall level of the marital adjustment and tolerance of teachers' sample is high, whereas the perfectionism level of the same sample is intermediate.
- Statistically, there is a positive correlation relationship between marital adjustment and tolerance. The forgiveness predicts 13% of marital adjustment.
- There is no correlation relationship between marital adjustment and perfectionism, so perfectionism does not predict marital adjustment.
- Statistically, there are differences in the dimensions of marital adjustments' measure in favor of male teachers, except the variable of satisfaction between the two parties which shows no differences between them. The variable of age shows no differences between male teachers and female teachers as well.
- There are no differences, statistically, in the dimensions of forgiveness according to age and gender variables except the dimension of self-tolerance which shows differences in favor of female teachers and the age group (35 years and below).
- Statistically, there is differences in dimensions of perfectionism's measure in favor of male teachers, except the two dimensions (Personal standards and arrangement) which are in favor of female teachers.
- There are no differences in dimensions of perfectionism's measure except the dimension of the family expectation and criticism which is in favor of the age group (35 years and above), and the dimension of arrangement is in favor of the age group (35 years and below).
The study concludes with a combination of recommendations.