English abstract
One important key to project success is the selection of the project team. Forming of well-organized and productive project team is different from forming of departmental team. The former consists from participants differ in their technical training and background. Organizations and project managers must be aware about all aspects that affect the efficient team build up. This study was conducted to construct and test a multi-dimensional model of team related factors. These are project communication, workplace environment, team knowledge, team leadership, organization contexts and project success. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from organizations working at four different sectors in Oman. Participants were of different nationalities which ensured the presence of multicultural knowledge. In addition to analyzing the collected data by using of factor analysis, a newer multivariate analysis method called Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was adopted to test the proposed hypotheses. Results of the final model revealed that there is direct and positive relationships between team related factors and project success and at different extents. Out of 18 considered factors' indicators, fourteen were found to be reliable and applicable measures for the team related factors.