English abstract
This study aimed to identify the relationship between psychological stress and personality trait among the employees of the Administrative Affairs Council for the Judiciary in North and South Al-Sharqiya Governorate. The sample of the study consisted of (150) male and female employees who collaborated with the study via the Internet. The researcher used the descriptive approach based on the measures of psychological stress (Al-Sayed, 2016), and a list of the five major factors of personality (Kazem, 2001). The results showed that there is a low level of psychological pressure in every sample of the study, and the results showed that Vigilance of conscious had obtained the highest averages while the neurotic trait had the lowest averages. Furthermore, the results of the study showed that there were no statistically significant differences between males and females in psychological pressures, since they were similar between members of the study sample, while, on the other hand, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between males and females in the neuroticism trait in favor of females, as females were more neurotic than males. The results of the study also showed that psychological pressure can be predicted through one of the personality traits, which is the neuroticism. Through the results of the study, the researcher recommended several recommendations, the most important of which were: developing, organizing, and designing preventive guidance programs that work to educate employees on how to deal with practical pressures with modern scientific methods.