English abstract
This research aims to study the Conditional Clauses that appear in a book called. "Al-Bukhala'a" (the miserly) written by Aljahith in terms of construction and meaning. This is because his approach has it's really unique properties among many other Arabic language's approaches. It is basically categorized under the heading of inseparable components which can't be studied just by focusing on the analytical view of single words parts of speech.. However,. It is very crucial to study it considering many sides of language aspects like grammar, eloquence and meaning. Exploring these styles of meaning grammatical aspect in Aljahidh's book enables us to implement various grammatical theories within a creative expressive piece of writing and not only within Qura'an or poems like other studies.
This study consists of three main parts: the introduction: two chapters and the conclusion.
o The introduction includes the theoretical background of the research and an analytical view on the Conditional Clause, its definition, nature, tools and usage.
o The first chapter studies the pattern style utilized by Aljahidh in his book. These are divided into four main levels, each in a chapter. They also include different patterns.
o The first part of the second chapter concerns of the practical issues. In addition, it links the grammatical points with the meaning for the purpose of exploring the actual meaning behind the conditional clauses. It's been referred to G.R. Firth (1960) Contextual Theory. The reason behind this is that the text is a collection of different sequential situations. The second part deals with the period of time related to the conditional clauses with reference to the same theory. The reason for this tendency is that the previous ancient grammarians tended to extremely link between the conditional clause tools and their connotation to the future. This study clarifies that conditional clause timing is determined by its context and situation.
o The study came out with several findings that are related to the statistics. Moreover, there are findings related to the theoretical background of the conditional clauses. There are also findings linked with the usage of the conditional clauses pattern's styles, their meanings, implications and timing.